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By submitting your volunteer application indicates that you have read and agree with the following statement: I understand that completing this volunteer application does not grant me a position as a Morningstar Mission volunteer. I understand that before making any determination as to my eligibility to serve as a volunteer, the Morningstar Mission may review my application, perform necessary background checks and/or conduct an in-person interview. As a volunteer, I understand that I am giving of my own time freely and will not be compensated for my services and I will regard any assignments given to me as a serious commitment and will fulfill each task to the best of my ability. I also understand that my volunteer work at Morningstar Mission may be terminated with or without cause at any time by either myself or the organization. I also confirm that all statements made on this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false statements, omissions or other misrepresentations made on this application may result in my denial or immediate dismissal as a Morningstar Mission volunteer. The Morningstar Mission may use any photos of me and my family taken during volunteer service or Morningstar Mission events for various media publications. I have also read and understand Morningstar Mission’s Statement of Faith.

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